Both offer some excellent opportunities for both attack and escape - planning attacks and escapes around a terrain can give an edge that determines the outcome of a conflict. Two are based on territory Sturgia offers a 20% reduction to the movement penalty of parties moving through snow, while Battania offers a 10% reduction to the forest movement penalty. Three factions offer some substantial if situational, mobility boosts. It is important to consider what benefit best suits the player's intention, and which will most benefit long term plans. Each faction comes with a bonus that impacts an aspect of the game's overworld or management systems that will alter the play in a slight, but meaningful, way. On top of the fiscal and military support each nation gives, it is important to consider what each faction has to offer in terms of gameplay tweaks. This guide will help players decide which kingdom to toss a lot in with, outlining the factions' in-game boosts, military strengths and weaknesses, and strategic positioning in the world of Calradia. It's not an easy choice for a budding baron, but, unless one plans on jumping right into building their own empire, joining a faction this guide will help players get some much needed financial support (in conjunction with some other clever ways to accrue cash), military back up, and a clear route to building a place in the rough realm. The factions are diverse in their benefits and drawbacks, each lending themselves to different player preferences, opportunities, and playstyles.

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That is to say, they are looking for an enterprising young player to back their cause and join in the fight. What they need is some strong, boots on the ground leadership a commander who has made a name for themselves, who has rounded up a small army of dedicated warriors, who is not afraid to get stuck in on the front lines for their monarch. Eight distinct factions are staking a claim on the crown and looking to expand their borders. The medieval landscape is defined by unrest caused by a civil war, the splitting of the centralized Calradian Empire throwing the ownership of the country into question. The Calradia of Mount & Blade 2, perhaps even more than in the previous installments of the franchise, is in a state of substantial political turmoil.