This allows you to collate specific information about devices that are connected to the network.

It is possible to save information specifically, for instance, the edit option in the menu bar allows you to copy the lists of IP addresses, MAC addresses, or only the selected items. In case of any intruders too, or unsolicited devices connected, one can monitor them, and take the necessary actions accordingly. In case of slower download speeds, one can easily monitor the number of connected devices, and see if some can be disconnected to give less load to the wireless network. The program also lets you see if the device is active at the current moment, so one is able to determine how many devices as online at the same time. Using this program, one can see the devices that are connected, save the information in an HTML format, and save the information as a reference. It is a simple minimalistic interface that runs a quick scan as you give the command, and lists the devices that are connected.